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In addition to the information provided here, 当前和未来的学生可以联系语言学系咨询或帮助选课和学位要求的履行.


计划为6998语言学研讨会撰写论文或为6999硕士论文撰写论文的学生必须首先联系一名教师作为他们的顾问,并与该教师讨论他们打算调查的主题. Once students have received preliminary approval from the faculty member to proceed, a second faculty member to serve as a second reader will be appointed by the Department. 主要教员将定期与学生见面并监督学生的进步. 第二个读者将批准提案、初稿和最终文件. The next step is to submit a formal proposal to the two faculty members. The formal 6998/6999 proposal should include the following:

  1. 一份清晰简洁的目标陈述,包括将要研究的假设.
  2. A tentative table of contents.
  3. A brief discussion of the topics to be covered, including methodology.
  4. A summary of the literature to be reviewed and an annotated bibliography.
  5. 对任何实验设计和相关的统计分析的描述.
  6. A statement of the kinds of results that are anticipated.


The 6998 paper should be a minimum of 30 pages in length. The 6999 thesis should be a minimum of 60 pages. 6998论文和6999论文都必须包含学生的原创贡献. 这一贡献可能涉及对特定语法问题的数据进行新的分析, a reassessment of some linguistics controversy, a series of experiments with subjects (children or adults), and so on. The topic may involve English or some other language, synchronically or diachronically. Both the 6998 paper and the 6999 thesis must follow the Linguistics Department Style Sheet.

A temporary grade of "P" (Progress) may be given for either LIN 6998 or LIN 6999.

语言学系的教员认为课堂文明对于一个有益的学习环境至关重要. The conduct of both students and professors should contribute to a respectful, engaged, and productive classroom culture. All class members are responsible for maintaining and protecting an ethic of civility. Accordingly, 以下是为所有部门班级制定的适当行为准则.

Once class has begun, turn off cell phone and pagers, and refrain from side conversations and interpersonal remarks. 在课前、课后或办公时间向教授提出个人和/或其他与课程无关的问题. Avoid noisy rustling of snack food containers. Casual comings and goings are not acceptable; if you need to miss a class, come late or leave early, inform your professor in advance. In any case, if you arrive late or must leave early, do so as unobtrusively as possible, e.g., sit near a door to the room. Familiarize yourself with the course syllabus and requirements, due dates for assignments, and test dates. It is your responsibility to complete requirements on time.

Your cooperation in maintaining and protecting an ethic of civility is appreciated.

有资格参加实习(ALS 4960/5960)要求完成ALS 4418/5518,成绩为2.0 or higher. Non-native speakers of English must, in addition, complete satisfactorily an oral and written examination of English.

Policy for Responding to Student Grievances


  1. 对教师有不满的学生将被建议直接向教师提出不满,以便通过相互协商解决问题.
  2. If students wish to pursue their complaint past step (1), they will be advised to consult with the Department Chair on the issue. The Chair will then attempt to settle the issue directly with students. If that proves unsuccessful, 主席可能会要求教师澄清对投诉的理解,然后安排与学生的第二次咨询.
  3. Should the students wish to pursue the grievance further, 主席将与学生和教师会面,试图解决问题.
  4. In the event that the grievance remains unresolved, the Chair and two members of the Department, not including the instructor against whom the complaint has been lodged, will constitute themselves into an appeals committee to review the merits of the complaint.  学生和教师都将有机会提出自己对这个问题的看法. The Department Chair will chair the committee. 委员会是否否决了申诉,学生是否希望继续追究, 上诉委员会将以书面形式将其审查结果转交文理学院院长办公室,并建议学生向院长提出申诉.
  5. 如果系主任是被投诉的教员, 该部的其他三名成员将组成上诉委员会,并选出他们自己的主席.

International applicants, other visa holders, permanent residents, 母语*非英语的交换生必须提供英语水平证明. Learn more about the TOEFL, MELAB and the IELTS.


One of the following constitutes proof:

  1. TOEFL
    • 550 minimum on paper-based TOEFL
    • 213 minimum on computer-based TOEFL
    • 79 minimum on internet-based TOEFL
  2. MELA
    • 77 minimum
  3. IELTS
    • 6.5 minimum
  4. 24 transferable credits, excluding ESL coursework, from a U.S. community college or baccalaureate institution.
  5. a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited U.S. college or university
  6. 1 year of study at and a diploma from a U.S. high school

十大菠菜台子的一些课程可能需要比上面列出的更高的熟练程度. 申请人应检查其学习领域的课程描述,了解有关额外英语水平要求的信息,并提供作为入学过程一部分的证明(招生: http://8u.lgmobilereg.com; click on 'Prospective Students').

Admission with ESL Coursework

(excluding those seeking an F-1 visa)

十大菠菜台子为那些学术上合格的非英语母语学生提供了许多本科课程的入学资格, but who have not met the English language proficiency requirement. 这些学生可能被有条件录取,并被要求注册英语作为第二语言(ESL)课程,直到达到熟练程度.

One of the following constitutes proof:

  1. TOEFL
    • 520-549 minimum on paper-based TOEFL
    • 190-212 minimum on computer-based TOEFL
    • 69-78 minimum on internet-based TOEFL
  2. MELA
    • 3-76 minimum
  3. IELTS
    • 6

学生必须在注册的第一学期开始注册ESL课程,作为课程作业的一部分. ESL分班由ESL中心使用机构托福和其他评估工具完成. Upon completion of the individualized ESL instruction sequence, 学生的英语水平将通过机构托福来评估,以确定是否需要额外的ESL课程来达到英语水平. The individualized ESL instruction sequence designed by the Center is not negotiable.

期望在一年内圆满完成个性化的ESL教学顺序, but ESL coursework is required until minimum proficiency is demonstrated.

Admission to Intensive English Program

没有足够英语水平的学生或没有ESL课程的学生可以被录取到强化英语课程. ESL分班由ESL中心使用机构托福和其他评估工具完成. Upon completion of the individualized ESL instruction sequence, 学生的英语水平将通过机构托福来评估,以确定是否需要额外的ESL课程来达到英语水平. The individualized ESL instruction sequence designed by the Center is not negotiable.

Upon completion of the Intensive English Program, students may (re)apply for admission to Oakland University; applicants are evaluated using the admission criteria described above.

*母语是指儿童时期自然习得的语言,通常在家里使用, as opposed to a language that is learned later in life, for example, as part of a person's formal education. 我们鼓励母语不是英语的学生访问ESL中心,讨论他们在十大菠菜台子学习期间可能遇到的任何语言困难.

Linguistics Department

Fitzgerald House F113
614 Pioneer Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-2175
Fax: (248) 370-3144