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WRT - 优秀写作奖 Page 横幅


The 优秀写作奖 is seeking outstanding essays, 项目, and compositions written for OU Writing and Rhetoric courses. The awards are open to all undergraduate students at 十大菠菜台子 who have composed work for WRT courses taken during winter, 夏天, 和秋天.

Submissions and applications will be judged by faculty in the Writing and Rhetoric Department. One winner will be selected in each category. Each winner will receive $200 and a 优秀写作奖 book, where all of the winning work will be published or linked to.

Submissions for all categories are due by 2024年1月10日. The 优秀写作奖 reception will be held in the spring of 2024.

To read about winners from past years, please access the information below. 

创造性的非小说 Contest Winners

一年级的写作 Analytical Essay ——优秀的 analysis essay written for WRT 1020, 1050, or 1060. Submissions might include a personal narrative, OU调查项目, 职业调查项目, 或修辞分析论文.

Submit a 一年级的写作 Analytical Essay here for the 2024 awards

WRT 1060研究论文 ——优秀的 research essay written for WRT 1060 that focuses on developing knowledge, synthesizing secondary (and possibly primary) sources effectively, and documenting appropriately in APA format. Professors, please nominate 1-2 students from your class, and ask them to submit their essay. 

Submit a WRT 1060研究论文 here for the 2024 awards

Upper-Level Analytical or 研究 Essay ——优秀的 essay written for any upper-division Writing and Rhetoric course (at the 2000-level or above). Submissions should have a clear purpose within Writing and Rhetorical studies, synthesize and document secondary (and possibly primary) sources effectively, and demonstrate appropriate and clear uses of language for specific audiences. 

Submit an Upper-Level Analytical or 研究 Essay here for the 2024 awards

专业写作 -- Outstanding writing for any upper-division professional, 技术, or business Writing and Rhetoric course. Projects may include proposals, 分析报告, 宣传册, 求职材料, 融资文件, or other compositions written for professional audiences.

Submit a piece of 专业写作 here for the 2024 awards

数字媒体组成 -- Outstanding digital media composition project composed for any course in Writing and Rhetoric. Projects could include videos, 视觉展示, 音频文章, 播客集, 照片的文章, webtexts, or other kinds of digital media writing. Projects submitted in the digital media category should use multiple modes of expression to communicate (such as words, 视觉效果, audio, 和/或视频). 

Submit a 数字媒体组成 here for the 2024 awards

作家成长奖 -- This award will be given to one student in a WRT 1020: Basic Writing course who has demonstrated significant growth in writing and composition across the semester. Professors should nominate one student per class and nominated students should submit their OU Community-based essay or project (early drafts and final copy). If you are interested in being nominated for the 作家成长奖, please contact your professor from WRT 1020.

Submit an OU Community-based essay or project from WRT 1020 here for the 2024 awards

创造性的非小说 ——优秀的 creative nonfiction essays written for WRT 3086或4086. Submissions might be personal narrative, 游记, 实体的文章, 配置文件, 对象冥想, 抒情的文章, 编织的文章, or other work of creative nonfiction. 

Submit a 创造性的非小说 Essay here for the 2024 awards.

The 2024 优秀写作奖 Dessert Reception will be held in spring 2024, 细节即将公布. 

Award winners and their guests, faculty in Writing and Rhetoric, and OU administrators are invited to attend the reception to celebrate the winners and hear more about their work.

Please contact the Writing and Rhetoric department ((电子邮件保护)) for information about past winners. 

Department of Writing and Rhetoric

(248) 370-2746